Trust Wallet Stake Cake: Stake 100 Cake [PancakeSwap Token] with DApp Browser on Trust Wallet and earn 83% APR [daily 0.2882 cake and 6.9167 cake].
Friends, all of you know about Trust Wallet. Here we can buy and store cryptocurrency online separate from exchanges. This is an online cryptocurrency wallet. By the way, there are many options for earning here. But PancakeSwap staking is one of the most and highest paying tokens.
Trust wallet pays up to 83% APR fixes return on staking PancakeSwap tokens with DApp browser. Check the official proof taken from the live trust wallet website.

As you can see, 100 Cake staking with DApp browser pays almost:
+0.2882 CAKE Daily
+6.9167 CAKE Monthly
+83.00 CAKE Yearly.
If you are looking for any safe, secure, trusted and risk-free passive earning, then staking PancakeSwap with DApp browser is one of the safest ways. You just have to buy CAKE coins and stake them.
Your daily passive income will start growing. And this is absolutely true because Trust Wallet is a product of Binance Exchange. As Binance Exchange is the world’s largest and trusted cryptocurrency exchange.
How To Stake Cake Token on Trust Wallet?
Staking crypto tokens on the Trust wallet is very simple. You just transfer crypto tokens to the trust wallet and then go to staking and stake how much you want to earn.
As a new user, you may face some trouble. But don’t worry, I am here to help you. Here is the step-by-step process.
Step 1 Buy Cake tokens.
Go to Trust Wallet and buy some CAKE tokens. The best way to exchange CAKE is to buy BNB from Binance and transfer them to the Trust Wallet.
Step 2 Go To Staking
Just click on the bottom DApp tab. And scroll down till you find staking. Now click on PancakeSwap.
Step 3 Exchange Cake
If you have BNB then exchange them with CAKE. If you have enough cake then click on Earn at the footer menu tab.
Step 4 Enable Pool Staking
When you will click on earn. It will redirect you to the pool and farm staking.
Farm staking pays up to 40%. Forty percent is also good interest. But when we switch to the Pools staking, it pays up to 90%. At present, CAKE Pools staking is offering 77.5% auto and 60% manual stake.
While CAKE staking is offering 87% RPG. It’s really amazing.
Step 5
Now enjoy. Your money is working for you. It doesn’t matter you are sleeping, traveling, enjoying a party, or doing anything else. Your money is actively working for you.