Today we will discuss elongate coin not showing in trust wallet. And complete process of tuning on any coin in Trust Wallet.
Early buying is the best process of making huge profit from cryptocurrency investment. Most of the experienced and smart investors invest in cryptocurrency before launching it on any exchange.
There are so many wallets available online and offline to buy crypto before launching on exchange. Trust wallet and MetaMask are the top most wallet used to stored pre-sale tokens.
You can buy ElonGate coin on PancakeSwap with your Trust Wallet. All necessary steps are stated in the below article.
How to buy coin on PancakeSwap through Trust Wallet.
You can easily buy ElonGate Coin. But the problem occur when ElonGate dosen’t appear on Trust Wallet balance after purchasing.
Why Elongate Coin Not Showing In Trust Wallet
There are two ain reason why Elongate Coin Not Showing In Trust Wallet problem occur.
- Tokens Not Credited To Your Wallet
- ElonGate Coin Is Not Checked To On button.
1. Tokens Not Credited To Your Wallet
Whenever we buy a new coin it takes time to reflect in your portfolio. Once you complete the transaction in your Trust Wallet, it may take minimum 2 minutes to 24 hours to reflect purchased tokens in in your wallet.
So, you recently purchased tokens and ElonGate Coin Not Showing In Trust Wallet then wait for few minutes. After some time your tokens will start reflecting in your wallet.
2. ElonGate Coin Is Not Checked To On button
Sometimes we copy the contact address from CoinMarketCap and from the official website and purchase coin from trust wallet. In this case we forget to turn on the Token in TrustWallet directory.
And when we check our portfolio, it shown no ElonGate coins.
This is a very common problem that happened with most new investors. But don’t worry, I am telling you the process of how can you turn on or add the ElonGate coin in your trust wallet.
First of all go to your trust wallet and then click on two zero lines in the top right corners.

When you will click on this it will give you option for searching any particular tokens.
As we are looking for ElonGate Token we will search for it.

Now check on ElonGate token similar to this image.
I have already clicked on this on button.

Now you have click on the ElonGate button. And this will turn on what you are looking for. Now you can go to your home button and check for ElonGate coin. Now your problem of Elongate Coin Not Showing In Trust Wallet has been solved.
If you are dealing with any other problem then don’t forget to email or comment below. We will solve it as soon as possible.
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